50-Million-Year-Old Fossil Fish |
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This 50 million-year-old fish was fossilized in the process of swallowing another fish, discovered in the Green River region of Wyoming, USA. | This 50-million-year-old fossil fish, Genus priscacara, dating back to the Eocene epoch, was also discovered at Green River in Wyoming, where some of the world’s best-known fossil discoveries have been made. As with this fish, other fossils discovered in this region have preserved a large portion of their soft tissues. |
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Another 50-million-year-old fossil fish. | A portion of this 50-million-year-old Eocene freshwater bass fossil (Mioplosus labracoides) exhibits fine preservation. Today, similar species to this live in fresh waters in the northern hemisphere and in Asia, Europe and New Zealand, identical to their 50-million-year-old counterparts. |
 | Phareodus encaustus is readily distinguished by its long pectoral fin and large pointed teeth, which testify to the fish's likely carnivorous behavior. This fossil, 50 million years old, is identical to present-day specimens and is truly an astonishing specimen by all measures: size, preservation and preparation. |
A Bear Fossil Dating Back 300,000 to 100,000 Years |
 | This bear (Ursus spelaeus), which species is still alive today, was discovered in the Ural Mountains in Russia. This fossil dates back 300,000 to 100,000 years. |
146- to 65-Million-Year-Old Neuropteran Fossils The first neuropterans are believed to have appeared during the Permian, almost 300 million years ago. The order is highly diverse today, including insects known by the common names of lacewings, ant lions and snake flies. Some 4,700 extant species of Neuroptera are known. These fossils are identical to present-day specimens. |
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An extremely rare owlfly larva from the family Ascalaphidae in fossil amber which is between 146 and 65 million years old. | A 2-millimeter neuropteran in amber (146-65 million years old). |
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An exquisitely-preserved 28-millimeter lacewing from Liaoning, China. | Approximately 125 million years old. |
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Insect fossils dating back some 125 million years, belonging to 100 families and 500 different species, have been unearthed in the Chinese region of Hebei. No examples of such splendid variety and fine detail have been encountered anywhere else in the world. As can be seen in this photograph, there is exceedingly fine detail in the wings. The fossils obtained here clearly reveal that insects have undergone no change whatseover right down to the present day. | This fossil seahorse, found in Rimini, Italy, belongs to the lower Pliocene (5 to 4 million years ago). The genus is still extant today, living in subtropical and tropical waters in various parts of the world. |
A 125-Million-Year-Old Scorpion Fly Paleontology Has Declared the Fact of Creation through Living Fossils. |
| This 125-million-year-old member of the Mecoptera, is from Hebei, China. This one is a female with incredible detail preserved in the wings, which includes preserved color bands. There are a large number of these scorpion flies living today. |
Insects are well represented in Liaoning and Hebei Provinces of China, with over 10,000 specimens representing over 500 species. Some of these insects, 125 million years old, are shown below. |
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A butterfly (Lepidoptera) with a wingspan greater than 5 centimeters from the lower Cretaceous (approximately 125 million years ago). | An 18-millimeter plant-dwelling insect from the lower Cretaceous (approximately 125 million years ago). | A 16-millimeter stonefly from the lower Cretaceous (approximately 125 million years ago). |
A 125-Million-Year-Old Katydid This example is a member of the Orpthoptera (which comprises grasshoppers and their kin) from the family Haglidae, reminiscent of present-day katydids, from Hebei, China. The details of this very large specimen have been very well preserved, including a color scale dating back 125 million years. As can be seen from the 27-millimeter ovipositor it used to bury its eggs in the soil, this is a female that shares exactly the same anatomical features as today’s katydids. |
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| Close-up view. | Close-up view. |
A 155-Million-Year-Old Drogonfly |
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The Assassin Bug that Led to Darwin’s Death Fossils refute evolution. This fact, one of the difficulties that faced Darwin’s theory 150 years ago, is now plain for all to see. |
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| Assassin bugs are widespread all over the world and known so because of their speed and the way they poison their prey (Order Hemiptera). These 120-million-year-old fossil specimens are identical to assassin bugs living today. |
A 50-Million-Year-Old Stingray |
| This 50-million-year-old stingray was found in Green River in Wyoming. The details in the tail of this perfectly preserved fossil are stiking, showing that this specimen is identical to present-day stingrays. |
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A 50-Million-Year-Old Herring |
This herring, also found in Green River in Wyoming and dating back to the Eocene (50 million years ago), possesses a mouth structure unique to surface-feeding fish. This type of herring has also been found in Cretaceous strata in South America. Over the last 50 million years, these fish have undergone no changes at all.
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This Annularia stellata from the Carboniferous period, 330 million years ago, was unearthed in France. Living forms of this plant are called horsetails. | The first living specimens of this 50-million-year-old dawn redwood fossil (Metasequoia) were found in British Colombia in Canada. This specimen is identical to present-day dawn redwoods. | This poplar tree leaf dating back to the Eocene, 50 million years ago, was found in Green River, Utah. |
God, there is no deity but Him, the Living, the Self-Sustaining. He is not subject to drowsiness or sleep. Everything in the heavens and the Earth belongs to Him. Who can intercede with Him except by His permission? He knows what is before them and what is behind them but they cannot grasp any of His knowledge save what He wills. His Footstool encompasses the heavens and the Earth and their preservation does not tire Him. He is the Most High, the Magnificent.
(Qur’an, 2:255) |
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This fossil plate found in British Colombia in Canada dates back to the Eocene (50 million years ago). | A 50-million-year-old sumac plant leaf found in Green River, Colorado. | A plane-tree (Macginitea) leaf fossil, 55 million years old. |
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A fossil shrimp frequently encountered in Jurassic marine strata. This fossil is between 200 and 140 million years old, and is no different from present-day shrimps. | A 125-million-year-old fossil containing different insects. One is a member of the Neuroptera, or lacewings. There are several beetles, and a dipteran present as well. | A 250- to 270-million-year-old shrimp fossil. Its exoskeleton consists of a long single-part shell that covers the entire body. This 5-centimeter-long crustacean is found widely in today’s oceans. |
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This fossil fish, discovered near Beskonak in Ankara, Turkey is some 14 million years old. | This species of crab, Harpactocarcinus, lived some 55 to 35 million years ago. This specimen is around 8 centimeters long. | A Betula plant fossil, found in Montana and dating back to the Paleocene epoch (60 million years ago), is fully three-dimensional. |
This fossil fish, known as a needlefish because of its shape, was found in the Ramlia Taouz region of Morocco. At 127 million years of age, it dates back to the Cretaceous period, and is identical to needlefish of today. |
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A 1.8 million- to 11.000-year-old spider fossil discovered in New Zealand. | A fossil tortoise from the upper Pliocene (5 to 1.8 million years old). | A 200-million-year-old fossil tortoise. |
A 161-million-year-old fossil salamander.
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This extremely large insect is a mayfly, from the Jurassic period. This winged insect from the time of the dinosaurs displays all its four wings in fine fashion. | A 64-million-year-old shrimp fossil from the lower Cretaceous period. | An 82- to-68-million-year-old sea urchin fossil. |
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54-50-million-year-old fishes. | A fossil bee from the Eocene epoch (54 to 33 million years ago). | A fossil crab dating back 25 million years. |
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A 280-million-year-old fossil frog.
| A 146- to 65-million-year-old lobster from the Cretaceous period. Even the delicate long legs and antennae are quite well-preserved. | A 440- to 410-milyon-year-old marine scorpion from the Silurian period. |
Evolution has been defeated in the face of living fossils. |
 |  | There is no difference whatsoever between this 195-million-year-old fossil shrimp and present-day shrimps. A 50-million-year-old tortoise fossil and a modern-day tortoise whose form has remained unchanged for millions of years. |
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This 150-million-year-old dragonfly fossil is just as same as today’s dragonflies. |
 |  | A 208- to 146-million-year-old fossil fish. This is a fossil shrimp from the Jurassic period over 8 inches along the curve. The arthropod boasts excellent detail—the head, segmented carapace, legs, and even its tail are wonderfully displayed. There is no difference between it and the “living fossils” in today’s oceans. |
| 1. A 9-centimeter shark’s tooth found in phosphate beds in central Florida. This fossil dates back to between the Eocene (54 million years ago) and Early Pliocene (5 million years ago). 2. A crinoid fossil, often found in rocks of the Silurian period (440 to 410 million years ago) and Mississipian period (360 to 325 million years ago). It is no different to present-day crinoids. 3. Another fossil crab from the Oligocene epoch (38 to 23 million years ago). |
The invalidity of the theory of evolution is clearly revealed by "living fossils"—today's creatures whose form has remained unchanged for eons of geologic time. These present-day creatures possess exactly the same traits and complex features as their counterparts did then—in some cases, hundreds of millions of years ago. |
His command when He desires a thing is just to say to it, "Be!" and it is. Glory be to Him Who has the Dominion of all things in His Hand. To Him you will be returned.
(Qur'an, 36:82-83) |
Plant Fossils All living things were brought into existence with God’s command, “Be!” God possesses the might to create them in their present states at any period in their history—the fact that evolutionists fail to understand, that they try to ignore. Yet the fossil record declares the “Fact of Creation” in a manner too evident to dismiss. |
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A 35-million-year-old willow tree branch. | A fossil pinecone, some 20 million years old. | A fossil Alethopteris plant, 300 million years old, and its counterpart of today. |
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A fossil belonging to a flowering plant (Archaefructus liaoningensis), regarded as one of the oldest fossil plants yet discovered. This fossil, which goes back 130 million years, contains the distinguishing feature of all flowering plants, including female ovaries containing seeds. It is no different from present-day flowering plants. | This fossil of a variety of plane tree leaf found near Kizilcahamam, Ankara, Turkey dates back 18 million years. It has exactly the same features as plane tree leaves of today. | Greatly magnified fossil pollen. This pollen grain is one of the earliest-known types of angiosperm pollen, from the Cretaceous period (146-65 million years ago). It is produced in exactly the same form by various plants today. |
Millions of proofs that refute evolution are exhibited in living fossils. |
A 345- to 270-Million-Year-Old Fossil Scale Tree |
Lepidodendron (scale tree) is a plant that lived 345 to 270 million years ago. As can be seen in the enlarged photograph of the fossil, the leaf scars—places where the leaves began on the twig—are very clear. One can even see the centers of diamond-shaped leaf scars where the veined corymb passed to the leaf stalk. This tree survives in exactly the same form today.
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Quercus hispanica. This fossil specimen of an oak tree that lived some 145 million years ago is identical to present-day oaks. | The Sphenopterid plant, with its fern-like leaves, has a complex structure. It is no different from present-day plants, and the leaves can be seen very clearly. This specimen dates back to the Carboniferous period (325 to 290 million years ago). | This plant, Senftenbergia plumosa, consists of dividing, compound leaves, and dates back to the Carboniferous period (300 million years ago). |
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This tree fern, fossilized in rock, is perfectly preserved (300 million years old). | The tree fern is a plant of today growing up to 6 meters in height. | A tree fern that lived 365-290 million years ago, which is no different from present-day specimens. |
The seven heavens and the Earth and everyone in them glorify Him. There is nothing which does not glorify Him with praise but you do not understand their glorification. He is All-Forbearing, Ever-Forgiving.
(Qur'an 17:44) |
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Today’s tree, Cryptomeria japonica, is identical to a 300-million-year-old fossil. | A 350-million-year-old swamp plant and a similar specimen of the present day. | Sweetgum leaf fossil, approximately 55 millon years old. These trees generally grow up to 25 meters in height and are one of the best-known living fossils in today’s world. |
These plants—having survived down to the present while undergoing no changes over hundreds of millions of years—are the most important evidence that refutes the theory of evolution. |
It is He Who sends down water from the sky from which We bring forth growth of every kind, and from that We bring forth the green shoots and from them We bring forth close-packed seeds, and from the spathes of the date palm date clusters hanging down, and gardens of grapes and olives and pomegranates, both similar and dissimilar. Look at their fruits as they bear fruit and ripen. There are signs in that for people who believe.
(Qur'an, 6:99)
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