ne of the environments in which fossils are best preserved is amber. Clear sap flowed out of various kinds of trees and conifers, engulfing living things and preserving them in their original form. And such “snapshots out of time” reveal a very important fact: Living things have undergone no changes after millions of years. In other words, they never underwent evolution.
Tens of thousands of fossils embedded in amber show that termites have always been termites. Ants have always been ants, frogs have always been frogs, snakes have always been snakes, butterflies always butterflies, and moths always moths. In short, living things have always existed in the forms they first displayed when they came into the world, with exactly the same features. There is no difference between living things preserved in amber millions of years ago and their present-day counterparts.
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Fly, Dolichopodidae and cob web. Baltic amber, 50 million years old. Sometimes insects snagged in spider webs get trapped in amber. This fly, however, seems to be free of the web. | Spider (order Araneae) preying on a midge (Chionomidae). Baltic amber, 50 million years old. |
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As can be seen from this 94- to 90-million-year-old fossil frog (Eleutrhorodactylus), frogs in the amber are the same as their today's counterparts. | A 94- to 90-million-year-old Sphaerodactylus gecko is one of the proofs that living things never underwent evolution. |
 | A 30- to 25-million-year-old fossil centipede is identical to today’s centipedes. |
50- to 35-Million-Year-Old Baltic Amber |
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Fungus gnat,
Diptera, 50-35 million years old. | Long-legged fly,
Diptera, 50-35 million years old. | Wasp, Hymenoptera, 50-35 million years old.
All the fossils in this website are represented by species still living today.
This fact proves that Darwinism is a false theory. |
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Spider, 50-35 million years old. | Fungus gnat, Diptera, 50-35 million years old. | Ant, Hymenoptera, Formicidae, 50-35 million years old. |
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Beetle, Coleoptera, 50-35 million years old. | Humpbacked fly, Diptera, 50-35 million years old. | Beetle, Coleoptera, 50-35 million years old. |
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Fungus gnat,Diptera, 50-35 million years old. | Wasp, Hymenoptera, 50-35 million years old. | Fungus gnat, 50-35 million years old. |
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Long-legged fly, Diptera, 50-35 million years old. | True bug, 50-35 million years old. | Caterpillar, Lepidoptera, 50-35 million years old. |
Living things appear fully formed and flawless, in the same form as today's specimens, in the fossil record. In order to verify their theory, advocates of the theory of evolution need to point to billions of intermediate forms that should exist in the fossil record as proof. Yet they are unable to submit a single example of an intermediate form. |
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Spider, 50-35 million years old. | Beetle, Coleoptera, 50-35 million years old. | True midge, 50-35 million years old. |
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Wasp, 50-35 million years old. | Long-legged fly, 50-35 million years old. | Midge, 50-35 million years old. |
Say: "Look at what there is in the heavens and on the Earth."
But signs and warnings are of no avail to people who have no belief.
(Qur'an, 10:101) |
50- to 35-Million-Year-Old Baltic Amber |
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Beetle larva, 50-35 million years old. | Spider, 50-35 million years old. | Caddis with larva, 50-35 million years old. |
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Caddis fly, 50-35 million years old. | Beetle, 50-35 million years old. | True midge, 50-35 million years old. |
According to the theory of evolution, half-winged, odd-looking, functionless creatures must have existed on Earth millions of years ago. Yet the fossil record refutes Darwinists. Specimens perfectly preserved in amber have totally demolished the myth of the evolutionary process. |
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True midge, 50-35 million years old. | Beetle, 50-35 million years old. | Beetle, 50-35 million years old. |
God has created all living things. Millions-of-year-old fossil specimens have once again revealed this in the most perfect manner. God, the Sublime and Almighty One, is the Creator of all living things. |
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Fungus gnat,
50-35 million years old. | Spider, 50-35 million years old. | True midge, 50-35 million years old. |
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Ant, 50-35 million years old. | A mosquito in Dominican amber, 23-14 million years old. | |
Flies living some 50 million years ago looked at the world through perfect and highly complex compound eyes and were able to fly using the same perfect mechanism. None of these creatures have ever been subjected to evolution. They all possessed the same flawless equipment 50 million years ago as they do today. |
We did not create heaven and Earth and everything in between them as a game. If We had desired to have some amusement, We would have derived it from Our Presence, but We did not do that. Rather We hurl the truth against falsehood and it cuts right through it and it vanishes clean away! Woe without end for you for what you portray!
(Qur’an, 21: 16-18) |
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Bristletail (Archaeognatha) in Baltic amber,54-23 million years old. | Springtail (Collembola) in Dominican amber, 23-14 million years old. | Crane fly, 50-35 million years old. |
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Ant, 50-35 million years old. | Spider, 50-35 million years old. | |
50- to 35- Million-Year-Old Baltic Amber |
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Spider, Family Uloboridae, 50-35 million years old. | Spider's web, 50-35 million years old. | Twisted-wing insect (Strepsiptera), 50-35 million years old. |
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A crane fly with about 20 mites, 50-35 million years old. | Cicada nymph, 50-35 million years old. | Ant, 50-35 million years old. |
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Rove beetle, 50-35 million years old. | Spider with web, 50-35 million years old. | A moth and an ant head, 24 million years old. |
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A 38- to 23-million-year old wasp in Dominican amber. | Beetle, 50-35 million years old. | Spider, 50-35 million years old. |
The fossil record contains not a single example of the imaginary "intermediate" species or missing links—which evolutionists claim must have existed. Fossils demonstrate that plants and animals that lived millions of years ago are structurally the same as their counterparts today. |
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True midge, 50-35 million years old. | Spider, 50-35 million years old. | Fungus gnat, 50-35 million years old. |
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Dance fly, 50-35 million years old. | Termite, 50-35 million years old. | Beetle larva, 50-35 million years old. |
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Sand fly, 50-35 million years old. | Parasitic mite larva on a long-legged fly (Diptera Dolichopodidae). | A cricket, Orthoptera, in a 24-million-year old Dominican amber. |
Insect, fly, and wasp fossils from some 50 million years ago represent a major challenge to Darwinism. According to the theory of evolution, these creatures went through an imaginary process of evolution and should have acquired intermediate-form characteristics. Yet they are identical to members of the same species today. This is definitive proof that living things never underwent evolutionary changes. |
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A large fly in a 24-million-year old Dominican amber. | A male winged ant, Hymenoptera, Formicidae, 25 million years old. | An adult planthopper in a 24-million-year old Dominican amber. |
And in your creation and all the creatures He has spread about there are signs for people with certainty.
(Qur'an, 45:4) |
Darwinism: The Most Twisted Religion in History Bees, grasshoppers, mosquitoes, flies, midges—everyone is familiar with these and similar insect species. One frequently comes across these tiny creatures in gardens, on the street and even in houses. These tiny animals have remained unchanged for the last 200 million years. Evolutionists claim that these creatures must have turned into strange and unusual life forms during the imaginary evolutionary process. Yet this never happened, and living fossils are clear proof of this. Had this actually happened—if the fossil record everywhere were full of intermediate forms... Had these living fossils continued their development, as evolutionists maintain, then those evolutionists would have published books full of the evidence for this. And they would have claimed that these specimens represented incontrovertible proof of their theory. Yet they are silent in the face of the fact that all these millions of pieces of evidence represent not evolution, but creation. There are millions of clear proofs of creation. That the obstinate continue to ignore this in their fanatical support of Darwinism, this illogical religion, the most primitive and twisted in history, is a most astonishing phenomenon of the century. Future generations will be amazed and astonished at this.
Everyone in the heavens and Earth belongs to Him. All are submissive to Him. It is He Who originated creation and then regenerates it. That is very easy for Him. His is the most exalted designation in the heavens and the Earth. He is the Almighty, the All-Wise.
(Qur’an, 30: 26-27) |
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Crane fly, 50-35 million years old.
| Fungus gnat, 50-35 million years old. | True midge, 50-35 million years old. |
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A large termite in Dominican amber, 23-14 million years old. | Amber with rare water strider insect.
There is a water strider and two dipterans in this fossil amber, 5 million - 11,000 years old. | A wasp in Dominican amber, 24 million years old. |
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A 24-million-year-old fossil worker ant in Dominican amber. | Awinged termite, 24 million years old. | A plant bug, Heteroptera, in a 24-million-year-old Dominican amber. |
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A fossil midge, 50-35 million years old. | | |
Humanity! Worship your Lord, Who created you and those before you, so that hopefully you will guard against evil. (Qur'an, 2:21) |
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A fossil spider in Baltic amber, 50-35 million years old. | A crab spider (Thomisidae) in Baltic amber, 50-35 million years old. |
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